Quality Gate

Add-ons are subjected to an in-depth quality control by SloopTools.

The quality gate is a separate instance of servers that use the add-ons and guide them through various checks and tests to calculate a quality score at the end. This score will make an important valuation basis in the store.

Sequence of events of the quality gate

Currently, the checks and tests of an add-on are specified in the quality Gate of SloopTools. Later, the provider can decide whether to apply additional checks, but will be charged an increased intermediary fee. The following tests/steps are carried out:

  1. If the subproject name coincides with the technical name
  2. AddonInformation. JSON is generated automatically
  3. Determine number of panels & scripts
  4. Enable Licensing
    1. The provider must place the functions from the SLTLICENSECTRLEXT itself
    2. We would like to take the time to consider together in which positions which license function should be used
  5. Checking for syntax errors
  6. Performing Static code Analysis
    1. Analysis Images
    2. Analysis Scripts/Libs
    3. Analysis Panels
  7. Encrypt all panels & scripts
  8. Feedback to store with quality score
    1. Currently there are the following scores
      1. 0… defective and not ready for release
      2. 1… Warnings included but release-capable
      3. 2nd… All positive
    2. The score will be expanded ASAP
  9. Delivery of the finished package to the store for delivery

Details of the score calculation will follow

The graphic preparation is already available and under the Progress table Erischtlich. For each test, more details can be displayed in the Report/Log window via a double click or the “Info” button.


Report / Log Meldungen

Via a double-click or the “Info” button of a test in the Quality gate table, more details can be displayed in the Report/Log window. The window is divided into two parts:

  • Detailed evaluation of the test - Here, all the details of the analysis are presented and can be analyzed down to the smallest detail
  • Log Messages - This is where all the log messages generated by the test are viewed. Debug info is not shown here.



With the help of the comment//SLT: NO_ENCRYPT A panel or script can be excluded from the automatic encryption of the quality gates. The comments will be ineffective once one of the license check functions of the SLTLICENSECTRLEXT is used in this file.

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    No results matching ""