
In the shopping cart all configurations are saved and displayed clearly. These can currently only be deleted and not modified in the shopping cart.


The shopping cart calculates, on the upper and lower right side, a complete price over all configuration.

The following action can be performed with the contents of the shopping cart:


The link "Get Quote" makes it possible to create an offer. If the user has the permission to buy for several companies, a pop-up will appear in which the user can make the selection. This document is also available for download under MyAccount> MyQuotes. (Details under MyAccount - My Quotes)


When ordering, it is checked whether the user has one or more "Purchaser" rights. All companies are listed where the user has the right to buy, so that he can decide on which company this order goes. If this is not the case, a note will be issued.

After the order has been made, it will be sent in the form of a PDF by e-mail to the orderer's e-mail.

Once the payment has been made and the money has arrived at the SloopTools account, a bill will be created and sent as a PDF to the orderer by e-mail.

All mentioned documents are also available for download under MyAccount > MyOrders. (Details under MyAccount - My Orders)

License Agreement

The license agreement is also available for download under My Account > My Orders.

The validity of the license agreement is attached to the payment of the order.

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