CtrlPPCheck - command line


The licensing is treated in the same way like the GEDI integration: Licensing

Checkin one file

The first test is a simple code


void functionA()
  string str;

If you save that into \scripts\file1.ctl and execute:

cppcheck <proj_path>\scripts\file1.ctl

The output from CtrlPPcheck will then be:

Checking <proj_path>\scripts\file1.ctl ...
debugMessage:: SymbolDatabase::isFunction found CTRL function 'main' without a return type.
[<proj_path>\scripts\file1.ctl:2]: (debug) SymbolDatabase::isFunction found CTRL function 'main' without a return type.
debugMessage:: SymbolDatabase::isFunction found CTRL function 'main' without a return type.

Checking all files in a folder

Normally a program has many source files. And you want to check them all. CtrlPPcheck can check all source files in a directory:

The following command can recursively check all scripts located in project directory.

cppcheck <proj_path>\scripts\

And this will be the output

Checking path/file1.cpp... 1/2 files checked 50% done
Checking path/file2.cpp... 2/2 files checked 100% done

Check allfFiles in sub directory

cppcheck <proj_path>\scripts\libs\classes\

It's not necessary to register the projects. That means you can also check source direct from a workspace.

Recursive vs. manual check

Checking files manually gives you better control of the analysis.

We don't know which approach will give you the best results. It is recommended that you try both. It is possible that you will get different results so that to find most bugs you need to use both approaches.

Later chapters will describe this in more detail.

Excluding a file or folder from checking

To exclude a file or folder, there are two options. The first option is to only provide the paths and files you want to check.

cppcheck src/a src/b

All files under src/a and src/b are then checked.

The second option is to use -i, with it you specify files/paths to ignore. With this command no files in src/c are checked:

cppcheck -i src/c src

This option does not currently work with the --project option and is only valid when supplying an input directory. To ignore multiple directories supply the -i multiple times. The following command ignores both the src/b and src/c directories.

cppcheck -i src/b -i src/c


The possible severities for messages are: |Severity| Description | |--|--| |error | used when bugs are found | |warning | suggestions about defensive programming to prevent bugs | |style | stylistic issues related to code cleanup (unused functions redundant code, constness, and such) | |performance | Suggestions for making the code faster. These suggestions are only based on common knowledge. It is not certain you'll get any measurable difference in speed by fixing these messages. | |portability | portability warnings. 64-bit portability. The code might work differently on different compilers. etc. | |information | Configuration problems. The recommendation is to only enable these during configuration.|

Enable messages

By default, only error messages are shown. Through the --enable command more checks can be enabled.

  • enable warning messages
cppcheck --enable=warning file.c
  • enable performance messages
cppcheck --enable=performance file.c
  • enable information messages
cppcheck --enable=information file.c 4 Getting started (command line)
  • For historical reasons, --enable=style enables warning, performance, portability and style messages. These are all reported as "style" when using the old xml format.
cppcheck --enable=style file.c
  • enable warning and performance messages
cppcheck --enable=warning,performance file.c
  • enable unusedFunction checking. This is not enabled by --enable=style because it doesn't work well on libraries.
cppcheck --enable=unusedFunction file.c
  • enable all messages
cppcheck --enable=all

Please note that --enable=unusedFunction should only be used when the whole program is scanned. Therefore, --enable=all should also only be used when the whole program is scanned. The reason is that the unused function check will warn if a function is not called. There will be noise if function calls are not seen.

Saving results in a file

Many times you will want to save the results in a file. You can use the normal shell redirection for piping error output to a file.

cppcheck file1.c 2> err.txt

XML output

CtrlPPcheck can generate output in XML format. Use --xml to enable this format. A sample command to check a file and output errors in the XML format:

cppcheck --xml file1.cpp

Here is a sample report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<results version="2">
  <cppcheck version="1.66">
  <error id="someError" severity="error" msg="short error text"
  verbose="long error text" inconclusive="true" cwe="312">
  <location file0="file.c" file="file.h" line="1"/>

The \ element

Each error is reported in a \ element. Attributes: | Attribute | Description | |--|--| | id | id of error. These are always valid symbolic names. | | severity | either: error, warning, style, performance, portability or information | | msg | the error message in short format | |verbose | the error message in long format. | inconclusive | This attribute is only used when the message is inconclusive. | | cwe | CWE ID for the message. This attribute is only used when the CWE ID for the message is known. |

The \\ element

All locations related to an error is listed with \ elements. The primary location is listed first. Attributes: | Attribute | Description | |--|--| | file | filename. Both relative and absolute paths are possible| | file0 | name of the source file (optional)| | line | a number| |info | short information message for each location (optional)|


If you want to filter out certain errors you can suppress these.

Plain text suppressions

You can suppress certain types of errors. The format for such suppression is one of:

[error id]:[filename]:[line]
[error id]:[filename2]
[error id]

The error id is the id that you want to suppress. The easiest way to get it is to use the --xml command line flag. Copy and paste the id string from the XML output. This may be * to suppress all warnings (for a specified file or files).

The filename may include the wildcard characters * or ?, which match any sequence of characters or any single character respectively. It is recommended that you use "/" as path separator on all operating systems.

Command line suppression

The --suppress= command line option is used to specify suppressions on the command line. Example:

cppcheck --suppress=memleak:src/file1.cpp src/

Listing suppressions in a file

You can create a suppressions file. Example:

  • suppress memleak and exceptNew errors in the file src/file1.cpp memleak:src/file1.cpp
  • suppress all uninitvar errors in all files

Note that you may add empty lines and comments in the suppressions file. You can use the suppressions file like this:

cppcheck --suppressions-list=suppressions.txt src/

XML suppressions

You can specify suppressions in a XML file. Example file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

You can use the suppressions file like this:

cppcheck --suppress-xml=suppressions.xml src/

Inline suppressions

Suppressions can also be added directly in the code by adding comments that contain special keywords. Before adding such comments, consider that the code readability is sacrificed a little.

This code will normally generate an error message:

void main()
  int i;

  if ( i > 0 )

The output is:

[\scripts\file1.ctl:6]: (error) Uninitialized variable: i

To suppress the error message, a comment can be added:

void main()
  int i;
  // cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
  if ( i > 0 )

Now the --inline-suppr flag can be used to suppress the warning. No error is reported when invoking cppcheck this way:

cppcheck --inline-suppr file1.ctl

you can specify that the inline suppression only applies to a specific symbol:

// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar symbolName=arr

You can write comments for the suppress, however, is recommended to use ; or // to specify where they start:

// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar ; some comment
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar // some comment

Naming rules

Option 1

Download SLT_QualityChecks and run the ctrlppcheck from /bin directory.

Option 2

Start the ctrlppcheck with following option: --rule-file=/full/path/to/rules.xml

Examples can be found under the following path in the add-on folder: SLT_QualityChecks\data\ctrlPpCheck\rule\

Note: Each rule must be specified individually. There are no patterns. Example:

--rule-file=/full/path/to/SLT_QualityChecks/data/ctrlPpCheck/rule/crl.xml --rule-file=/full/path/to/SLT_QualityChecks/data/ctrlPpCheck/rule/functionNaming.xml

Include lib for your project


Include libs for your WinCC OA version


Note: The xml file must be adapted to the WinCC OA version used. This configuration was implemented for WinCC OA 3.16.

Helpful options

--platform can be used to test for a specific operating system. Is helpful if the check is only carried out on one operating system.

Possible parameter options:


Allow --inconclusive ( If no more errors can be found by a normal check )

It allows that Ctrlppcheck reports even though the analysis is inconclusive. With this option there can be false positive cases. Each result must be carefully examined before you know whether it is actually a error.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""